Elements of the mythology of the Regained Territories in the works of Halina Auderska and Zygmunt Trziszka


the Regained Territories
Polish literature
literary tradition

How to Cite

Gieba, Kamila. 2021. “Elements of the Mythology of the Regained Territories in the Works of Halina Auderska and Zygmunt Trziszka”. In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics, no. 15 (December), 267-76. https://doi.org/10.34768/ig.vi15.340.


The subject of the article is literature on the Regained Territories – areas annexed to Poland in 1945 as a result of a change in the territorial borders of the country. This literature, created in 1945-1989, was both the result of political demand and an expression of migration experience. Only works of selected authors:
Zygmunt Trziszka and Halina Auderska were analyzed. The ways of constructing the mythology of the Regained Territories were pointed out. They include, for example, the use of culture-motifs and topos related to space and travel (e.g. the theme of Odysseus’s journey and expedition to the golden fleece in Trziszka’s prose), as well as the negative reinterpretation of settlement threads (elements of anti-arcadia in Auderska’s novels). Based on the analysis of literary material, the character of narrative about the Recovered Territories was pointed out – its political, foundation, mythological and psychological aspects.



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