Traubenmadonna in the Moselle region’s wine culture in Germany (chosen examples)


Saint Mary
Christ’s blood
Holy Bible
Middle Ages
Moselle Valley

How to Cite

Krawiec, Angelika. 2019. “Traubenmadonna in the Moselle region’s Wine Culture in Germany (chosen Examples)”. In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics, no. 13 (December).


In the article there was described an image of Madonna showed with vine attributes in wine-making culture by the river Moselle in Germany in the context of European culture. Use of symbols of vine bush, grape and wine is strictly rooted in Christian tradition since time immemorial. The fruit of grapevine and wine made from it symbolises the sacrifice and blood of Savior, which was shed for world’s sins. Images of Traubenmadonna refer to this symbol. Examples of these kinds of works which are placed in Moselle Valley certify cult of the Virgin Mary’s meaning and specificity in wine sector.


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