The article briefly discusses the impact of Averroism on the philosophy of Latin Europe in the thirteenth century. The heritage of Greek philosophy and science was saved by Arab scholars, and in the field of philosophy mainly by Averroes and his followers, which enabled the reception of Aristotle's thought in Europe. At the University of Paris, Averroes' commentaries on Aristotle's treatises not only led to disputes in the Philosophy Faculty, but also deepened the doctrinal differences that existed in teaching between faculties. This formed a new philosophical current, the so-called Latin Averroism, which referred to the legacy of Averroes. Its most important representatives were Siger of Brabant and Boethius of Dacia. Among the most significant points of contention were the autonomy of philosophy, the eternity of the world, the existence of an individual soul and the concept of the intellect. The further history of Latin Averroism was marked by the condemnations promulgated by the Bishop of Paris, Stephan Tempier.
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