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Pigoń, Jakub. 2018. “PRAEFATIONES MINORES: PROLOGI WEWNĘTRZNE W AB URBE CONDITA LIWIUSZA”. In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics, no. 12 (November).


Apart from the famous praefatio (maior), Livy’s introduction to the Ab Urbe Condita as a whole, there are in the extant parts of this work four internal prologues (or praefationes minores), marking the beginnings of, respectively, books 2, 6, 21 and 31. In the present paper a short overview of prologues, and especially internal prologues, in ancient historiography is followed by a more detailed discussion of the four Livian passages. Particular attention has been paid to those motifs and ideas which connect Livy’s internal prologues with his main praefatio – notably to the notions of monumentum, memoria, and the imagery of looking and perceiving. A fragment from a later book, preserved by Pliny the Elder (HN praef. 16), almost certainly comes from another internal prologue; it is probable that there were more praefationes minores in Livy’s lost books (e.g. in 121).


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