Hieronim ze Strydonu wobec homeizmu i problemów z własną biblioteką za pontyfikatu Damazego

How to Cite

Spychała, Dariusz. 2024. “Hieronim Ze Strydonu Wobec Homeizmu I problemów Z własną Biblioteką Za Pontyfikatu Damazego ”. In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics, no. 17 (March), 47-76. https://doi.org/10.61826/ig.vi17.433.


Hieronimus was one of the most prominent Christian writers in the fourth to fifth centuries after Christ. His work fell during the period of religious disputes known as the disputes over the doctrine of Arius. In fact, the basic dispute was between the supporters of co-eternity and the supporters of similarity. Hieronimus supported Pope Damasus in his struggle to implement the laws from Council of Nicea. In this struggle he used the resources of his own library, which he maintained, including, in the desert.



Ojcowie Kościoła, Literatura późnoantyczna,