In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics 2024-04-27T10:11:57+02:00 Maciej Lubik Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">“In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics” is a scientific journal edited by the Institute of History of the University of Zielona Góra since 2007. The journal's profile includes studies in humanities and social sciences, especially in history, literary studies, linguistics and philosophy. “In Gremium” is issued annually and publishes research articles, review articles, reviews and reports - both in a traditional, paper form and an open access digital version. In 2019 “In Gremium” received a grant of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Since 2022 the journal has been indexed in Scopus.</p> Najpiękniejsze trumny świata. Ikonograficzny projekt Wydziału Archeologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego 2024-04-25T10:09:23+02:00 Andrzej Niwiński <p>Since 2018 the Author is preparing the database of the iconographic scenes and motifs met on the Egyptian coffins of the 21<sup>st</sup>-22<sup>nd</sup> Dynasties (XI - X century BC). These coffins belonging to the priests of Amon are characterized by a large number of figural motifs and numerous variants of these. All the elements of the decoration indicate a divine status of the deceased. The Author’s intention is to describe the causes of the enormous iconographic diversity and to indicate the role of the individual creativity of the artists producing the coffins, sometimes their ignorance, as well.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics Machiny miotające w kampaniach Aleksandra Macedońskiego 2024-04-24T10:04:08+02:00 Paweł Suszczenia <p>The text is a polemic with the discourse image of the development stage of catapults in the times of Alexander the Great. This image assumes the existence of developed throwing machines capable of destroying fortifications at the time in question. However, the analysis of the descriptions of the use of siege machines contained in the text, undermines this picture, and at the same time proposes solutions to several problematic issues.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics Antonine women and the place names of the Roman Empire 2024-04-24T10:04:54+02:00 Marek Jurkowski <p class="Standard" style="text-align: justify; line-height: 150%;"><span lang="EN-GB">This article aims to highlight the increase in the number of place names derived from the names of the women associated with the Roman emperors that took place during the Antonines’ era. In the first place the author will discuss astionyms, the etymology of which is unequivocally confirmed in the sources, followed by those, the provenance of which from matrons tied with the Antonines is less or more likely. Then, the reader’s attention will be drawn to a group of place names, the connection of which with <a name="_Hlk116411049"></a>the women of the Antonines’ circle cannot be ruled out, and which have been omitted from previous compilations of the ‘dynastic’ astionymy of the Roman Empire. In addition to approximating the number of place names derived from women close to the Antonines, the article attempts to place the subject-matter phenomenon in the context of the changes taking place in the public presentation of women linked to the dynasty of the ‘Golden Age’.</span></p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics Hieronim ze Strydonu wobec homeizmu i problemów z własną biblioteką za pontyfikatu Damazego 2024-04-24T10:03:33+02:00 Dariusz Spychała <p>Hieronimus was one of the most prominent Christian writers in the fourth to fifth centuries after Christ. His work fell during the period of religious disputes known as the disputes over the doctrine of Arius. In fact, the basic dispute was between the supporters of co-eternity and the supporters of similarity. Hieronimus supported Pope Damasus in his struggle to implement the laws from Council of Nicea. In this struggle he used the resources of his own library, which he maintained, including, in the desert.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics W sprawie granicy między prowincjami rzymskimi Syrią Coele i Syrią Phoenice 2024-04-25T10:09:05+02:00 Paweł Filipczak <p>The border between the provinces of Syria Coele and Syria Phoenice, created by Emperor Septimius Severus, is not precisely known. Both provinces had exactly the same name (Syria Coele) or almost the same name (Syria Phoenice), as the geographical and historical lands described for a long time in Greek and Roman literature. However, the provinces did not cover the same area as the geographical regions. Cassius Dio, an author writing under the Severans, does not use the names of both provinces at all or does so incorrectly. The later report by Herodian, supported by subsequent sources (Ammian, Malalas), proves the presence of the city of Emesa in Syria Phoenice, and therefore the border with Syria Coele must have run north of this city. Hypothetically, however, it can be assumed that the border was located even further north, i.e. between the towns of Rafanea (Phoenta in Syria) and Apamea (Coele in Syria).</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics Z dziejów rzymskich caligae 2024-04-24T10:04:18+02:00 Dominika Budzanowska-Weglenda <p>Of the history of Roman <em>caligae</em></p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; For the military successes of the Roman army, the roads and armaments of soldiers were important. Characteristic for Roman legionnaires were their sandals, <em>caligae</em>, cut from one piece of leather, tied with a strap. They had a thick, studded sole, made of three layers of leather. In winter, they were insulated with fabric or fur. About the appearance and meaning of <em>caligae</em> provide, among others Roman literature and sculptures. From <em>caligae</em> comes the nickname of Emperor Caligula.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics „Siedem ksiąg” żywieckiego cechu krawieckiego z 1745 roku 2024-04-24T10:03:51+02:00 Jarosław Dusik <p>Żywiec was founded at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries. As the only urban center in the area, it had a well-developed craft guild system. One of the oldest guilds in Żywiec was the tailors' guild, which, for over 100 years (1580-1699), formed a joint association with furriers. After its dissolution, the tailors began to strengthen their independent image. A clear manifestation of these efforts was the formulation of strict rules for advancement in their guild, contained in the so-called "seven books" in the tailors' guild book from 1745. These regulations governed the attainment of up to seven stages in the guild career, namely learning the trade, liberation from it, wandering, becoming a younger brother/master, middle master, senior master, and finally, the guild master. Therefore, these "seven books" serve as an example of comprehensive development by guild legislation of the issue of guild careers, a form of regulation rarely encountered in this manner.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics Evolution of Federalism in Modern India 2024-04-25T10:08:57+02:00 AJAYAN THANKAPPANNAIR <p>Federalism existed in ancient and medieval India in different forms. Immediately after the acquisition of power by the British, the colonial master began to centralize powers into the hands of the supreme government at Calcutta. The centralization of power reached its zenith with the enactment of the Charter Act of 1833. It formed one of the main reasons of the rebellion of 1857. Consequent upon which, the British dropped centralization tendency and began to decentralize power with the passage of the Indian Council’s Acts of 1861and 1892 and the Government of India Acts in 1909, 1919 and 1935. It aimed to bring together the Indian states and the British directly administered provinces for the purpose of federalization. But, federalism was not materialized because the Indian states declined to join it despite many concessions to them. Therefore, the central administration continued up to 1947 in accordance with the provisions of the Government of India Act, 1919. However, provincial autonomy was introduced in 1937. On independence in 1947, the Constituent Assembly more or less borrowed federal provisions from the Government of India Act 1935 and added to the Constitution of India combining the characteristics of a unitary as well as a federal constitution.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics Zachodnioniemiecka lewica wobec Solidarności (1980-1981) 2024-04-24T10:03:59+02:00 Małgorzata Świder <p style="font-weight: 400;">W pierwszym okresie działalności Solidarności (lato 1980 – grudzień 1981) lewica zachodnioniemiecka reprezentowana przez Socjaldemokratyczną Partię Niemiec i Niemiecką Federację Związków Zawodowych zajęły niejednoznaczną pozycję wobec wydarzeń w Polsce. Natomiast mniejsze ugrupowania Nowej Lewicy, trockiści czy maoiści związani z lewicowymi działaczami związkowymi związanymi z DGB, a także lewe skrzydło SPD stosunkowo szybko nawiązały kontakty z Solidarnością i rozpoczęły akcję wsparcia dla polskich robotników. Ich zaangażowanie wynikało z oceny polskiego nowego ruchu jako głównej siły walczącej o prawa demokratyczne i poprawę sytuacji ekonomicznej robotników w ramach istniejącego systemu politycznego. Lewica nie postrzegała Solidarności, jako przejawu ataku na rządzącą partię. Postulowane reformy miały zostać wprowadzone nie przeciwko komunistycznej partii, ale we współpracy z nią. To z inicjatywy różnych organizacji lewicowych powstała „Solidarność z Solidarnością”, która organizowała szereg akcji na rzecz poparcia dla polskich robotników, a także zbierała finanse na zakup sprzętu poligraficznego.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics Na przekór stereotypom – trudne dziedzictwo ziem pogranicza. Zarys problemu na przykładzie Warmii i Mazur 2024-04-24T10:04:46+02:00 Izabela Lewandowska <p>The article presents stereotypes concerning the history of Warmia and Mazury, i.e. the southern part of the former Prussian lands, which has been within the borders of the Polish state since World War II. The introduction discusses stereotype, borderlands and cultural heritage, in relation to the area of ​​the current Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. Afterwards, four stereotypical issues are discussed in detail: 1) Warmia and Mazury are one land, 2) Warmia and Mazury were inhabited only by Germans and Poles, 3) Rightful owners always take care of their property, 4) Russian officers in East Prussia only murdered and raped. Other stereotypes are also briefly addressed, i.e. 1) All castles in Warmia and Mazury are Teutonic, 2) Władysław Jagiełło was a defender against the Teutonic Knights, 3) The Bishop-led Warmia always was pro-Polish, 4) Germans occupied the area of Warmia and Mazury during World War II 5) Huge destruction of the history and economy of Warmia and Mazury resulted from warfare. In the conclusion, the thesis is made education about the region and respect for multiculturalism create a chance to eliminate stereotypical thinking about the history and cultural heritage of Warmia and Mazury.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics Awerroes, czyli losy filozofii arabskiej w świecie łacińskim 2024-04-25T10:09:14+02:00 Ryszard Palacz <p>The article briefly discusses the impact of Averroism on the philosophy of Latin Europe in the thirteenth century. The heritage of Greek philosophy and science was saved by Arab scholars, and in the field of philosophy mainly by Averroes and his followers, which enabled the reception of Aristotle's thought in Europe. At the University of Paris, Averroes' commentaries on Aristotle's treatises not only led to disputes in the Philosophy Faculty, but also deepened the doctrinal differences that existed in teaching between faculties. This formed a new philosophical current, the so-called Latin Averroism, which referred to the legacy of Averroes. Its most important representatives were Siger of Brabant and Boethius of Dacia. Among the most significant points of contention were the autonomy of philosophy, the eternity of the world, the existence of an individual soul and the concept of the intellect. The further history of Latin Averroism was marked by the condemnations promulgated by the Bishop of Paris, Stephan Tempier.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics Henryka Jakubanisa (1879-1949) kijowski okres życia i twórczości historycznofilozoficznej 2024-04-27T10:11:57+02:00 Mariam Sargsyan <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Henryk Jakubanis (1879-1949) was a researcher of antiquity, a philosopher and a historian of ancient philosophy. He was born in central Russia to a Polish family of Lithuanian origin. The intellectual biography of this researcher is usually divided into two periods: Kyiv (1897-1922) and Lublin (1922-1949). The Lublin period is quite well studied by Polish authors, while the importance of the Kyiv period of this historian of philosophy remains unclear. The aim of the article is to present the life and academic activity of H. Jakubanis in the Kyiv period.</span></p> <p><br style="font-weight: 400;"><br style="font-weight: 400;"></p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2024 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics Interdyscyplinarność jako droga do konsiliencji i jej obecność w badanich literaturoznawczych 2024-04-24T10:04:36+02:00 Krystian Saja <p>To the present day, the humanities are opposed to the modern paradigm of scientific research. t is widely understood interdisciplinarity. Divisions into narrow specializations led to the emergence of simple development paths in each of the disciplines. Meanwhile, exact sciences and the humanities are constantly intermingling. There is a natural, unavoidable interference between them. Expanding the nomenclature and background of humanities research methods to include issues and theories from exact sciences can prove extremely useful. The text is devoted to interdisciplinarity, considered in the humanities, with particular emphasis on literary studies.</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics Gdzie jest król, gdy nie ma go w Zamku? Uwagi do itinerarium króla Zygmunta III 2024-04-24T10:05:03+02:00 Przemysław Szpaczyński <p>Uwagi na marginesie itinerarium króla Zygmunta III</p> 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics X muza w regionie lubuskim i dolnośląskim. Radosław Domke, Jacek Szymala, Dolny Śląsk i Ziemia Lubuska w filmach polskich po 1945 roku, Zielona Góra-Wrocław-Kraków 2020, ss. 264 2024-04-24T10:04:27+02:00 Robert Rudiak 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics Edward Karolczuk, Edward Gierek. Źródła sukcesu i klęski, Warszawa 2022, ss. 192 2024-04-24T10:03:42+02:00 Dawid Kopa 2024-03-28T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright (c) 2023 In Gremium. Studies in History, Culture and Politics